Thursday, March 22, 2007

Breakout - Blues (1971)

This artist, Tadeusz Nalepa, hails from Poland, and his band, Breakout, was considered on of the best and most influential rock bands in Poland and it really shows when you begin to listen to this album. Breakout was a band formed in 1969 by Tadeusz Nalepa. Originally, all the singing was done by Mira Kubasinska, but he was later replaced by Nalepa who was also the guitarist and harmonica player. This album, Blues, was Breakout's third album and finally became the sound that they followed. The previous two albums were both some very amazing prog records. All the guitar work on Blues is done by Dariusz Kozakiewicz who is considered the best Polish guitar player in rock history.

The music on this album certainly lives up to the name of the album. This album is very bluesy, and the amount of different blues styles that they cover is amazing. The have just dirty Delta-style blues, swing-time blues, there is just so many different types of stuff thrown together on this album. From their previous prog-rock stuff to all this new blues sound that they were trying out, they mix it all together to create a really great album that should be a must download for anyone who is a fan of not only the blues, but obscure takes on what the blues are in relation to different countries.

This type of blues style can actually be seen on a lot of different albums that are little known about from this period like Mon Dyh and The Jon Dummer Blues Band. Obviously this style and type of music was one that was experimented with by many different bands and many produced very good blues records, and this album is no exception. If you are a blues fan give a shot because more than likely you will like it.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please re upload tjhis best polish blues almum ever
