Thursday, April 26, 2007

Erkin Koray - Tutsuku (1977)

Sorry for the long wait on another few posts but the semester is drawing to a close and there really hasn't been much time left for posting any music. For this you have my apologies, and i will try to post as many as possible, but you may have to either wait for the review or look it up yourself. This shouldn't be too much of an inconvenience because in about a week i will be able to back through and review them, but until then just blindly download because if you don't like it you can always erase it.

Comment (just to help others in their decision making process)




Anonymous said...

thanks you for this! i was looking for this on google and your site popped up.

usaiditma said...

thanks alot

crys said...

Heya... I stumbled across your blog and it's so great! I'm already a big fan of Flower travelling Band, Erkin Koray and 3 Hur-el... but was so pleased to see albums I don't have posted as well as other excellent stuff!

It looks like the Koray download is expired though. Can you upload it again?

Keep up the great work - nice to know others are digging the same stuff!